School year is challenging for families.  😊

We've created a school year kit just for you! You will find 5 tools to make this school year a success!

1.Kairos, transform your tasks, chores and routines in a fun game

Kairos is a routine management application that immerses your child in a fun universe where he will have to defend our planet from aliens. The only way to progress? Your child needs to complete their chores and routines!



2. Personalize your own chore chart online

Créer gratuitement un tableau de routine personnalisé en ligne

C'est facile:

  1. Choisissez votre thème favori parmi les 4 disponibles
  2. Ajoutez vos tâches et routines
  3. Imprimez le tableau de routine et affichez-le dans votre maison! 

Create my routine


3. School Supplies List

School Supplies List

Print this list to make your back-to-school shopping easier. You can even indicate what you already have!



4. Kairos labels for your notebooks!

Your children will lose some of their supplies this year, it's almost certain. So, don't forget to add labels to it. We don't guarantee you'll find THAT lost notebook, but it might help!



5. Family Planner

The return to school brings schedule changes in the family? List everything and organize your week with our family planner.​


Tableau de routine a telecharger

Personalize your own printable chore charts

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